Ozeanien –
Kontinent der Inseln

Ever since humans discovered and settled the island worlds in the Pacific thousands of years ago, there have been many connections between the widely scattered land areas in the largest sea on earth. With the help of more than 250 everyday objects and works of art from the Linden-Museum’s collection, the exhibition shows similarities and differences in the Pacific region.

Boat models from Melanesia, Micronesia and Polynesia testify to the importance of the sea for trade and communication over long distances. Sculptures and masks from New Guinea and the Bismarck Archipelago reveal religion and unique ceremonial art. A carved house from Aotearoa New Zealand tells the continuing story of art and design in Oceania. Textiles, body jewelry, and tattooing combine the utilitarian, the beautiful, and the ritualistic – past and present.

Interactive media shed light on the provenance of the objects, their order within the museum, and how work is done there. Information on the acquisition history of individual collections brings into focus the colonial era, which meant sometimes violent social and political changes for the people of Oceania. The resulting social and cultural assertiveness continues to shape them to this day. This is also the subject of the exhibition.

Hinweis auf Ausstellungskatalog

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Passion Statement Projektbeteiligte/Stakeholder/Besucher:in …


Dr. Sandra

Martina Mustermann

Nächste Veranstaltungen


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Reference to the shop with catalog and other exhibition-related articles

Sammlungen Digital

The Collection online provides open virtual access to our museum’s holdings. It presents detailed information, interesting stories and backgrounds on objects and cultures from all over the world, and makes methods and results of provenance research visible. The realization of “Collection online” was made possible by the Ministry of Science, Research and the Arts of the State of Baden-Württemberg as part of the “Digital Ways into the Museum” program.

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