Nahaufnahme einer leeren Vitrine, auf deren Scheibe Future Museum steht


Why does the Linden Museum need remodeling?

At the Linden Museum, the focus is on people. We address current questions about society, identity, cultural change, beliefs or globalization. We do not do this alone: We conceive exhibitions and events together with diverse groups, e.g. from the regions of origin of our collection objects or from Stuttgart’s international urban society. This way, we amplify voices that are overheard elsewhere. We are the only museum in Stuttgart that conveys an understanding of global realities beyond a European perspective. In this way, we make a valuable contribution to social cohesion.

Stuttgart and the state of Baden-Württemberg need a place where all people feel welcome and can get involved – in the middle of the city.

A barrier-free building for the Linden Museum with inviting and ecological architecture is a great opportunity for Stuttgart and also sends a trend-setting signal beyond Stuttgart as to what successful museum practice can look like.

Inés de Castro steht vor einem Teil der Präsentation von LAB 8

Interview with Prof. Dr. Inés de Castro, Director of the Linden Museum Stuttgart

What role can the new Linden Museum play for Stuttgart?
We want to be a new kind of museum for Stuttgart: open and reflective, historical and current, with cooperative exhibitions and diverse perspectives from around the world. Ethnological museums have been criticized for often emphasizing cultural differences rather than commonalities to this day.

How do you envision the “ethnological museum of the future”?
The ethnological museum of the future shows different ways of seeing and understanding the world. It is the museum that deals with transcultural issues and questions the European gaze. It inspires diversity, is a place for dialogue and social negotiation, and thus contributes to tolerance and cohesion in a city like Stuttgart. In doing so, it is self-critically reflective: It deals with its colonial past and its consequences until today. It no longer decides solely on interpretation and presentation, but involves representatives from the communities of origin and the diverse local urban society. It tells many stories about the precious objects in its collection.

What is important to you in a new architecture? What do you think the new Linden Museum should look like?
I envision an attractive, open, inviting, and easily accessible building that fits the opening of the museum. Preferably with a large foyer on first floor level, with outdoor gastronomy and high quality of stay, where you can drink a coffee or use the good W-LAN. Above that the actual museum with an attractive collection presentation, with space for schools and the communities.

Will the new museum still be called the Linden Museum?
We would like to rename the museum in the future. However, the focus is first on the content for a redesign. I can well imagine developing the future name in a participatory way.

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