Darstellung einer Zeitleiste mit wichtigen historischen Daten des Linden-Museums. Das Bild wurde in der Ausstellung "Schwieriges Erbe. Linden-Museum und Württemberg im Kolonialismus" (2021/2022) aufgenommen.


Background – The Württemberg Association for Trade Geography

The history of the Linden-Museum begins with the founding of the ” Württemberg Association for Trade Geography and the Promotion of German Interests Abroad” on February 27, 1882. When the economic crisis hit Germany in the 1870s and domestic markets threatened to collapse, the Association felt compelled to open up new markets overseas. When the German Empire acquired its own colonies in 1884, the Stuttgart Association also saw itself as an information platform for Württemberg merchants and industrialists. For this reason, the “Museum of Trade Geography” was founded in 1884. Here, the focus was still on imported and exported goods,...

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Karl Graf von Linden – Foundation and construction of the Linden-Museum

Karl Graf von Linden (1838 – 1910), a lawyer and later Lord Chamberlain at the Royal Court of Württemberg, took over the chairmanship of the Württemberg Association for Trade Geography in 1889 and advocated an anthropological orientation for the museum,...

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Anthropology in Stuttgart

While Count von Linden personally managed both the association and the museum, these positions were separated after his death. Dr. Augustin Krämer was the first director of the Museum under the Association. Following von Linden’s instructions, he tried to build up an ethnological museum of world renown. In doing so, he continued von Linden’s efforts to save the life testimonies of indigenous cultures from extinction and to document them. For Theodor Wanner, however, colonial interests remained paramount. As a result, Augustin Krämer was dismissed. Formally, Duke Wilhelm von Urach, Count of Württemberg, was chairman of the association, but it was...

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The museum – from the post-war period to nationalization

Immediately after the end of the war, Theodor Wanner set about rebuilding the museum. The Linden-Museum was one of the first destroyed buildings in Stuttgart to be restored. By 1949, the Linden-Museum building was rebuilt, but most of it was given to the Ministry of Culture of Württemberg-Baden, which used the rooms as the Pedagogical Institute of the State Institute for Education and Instruction. The first permanent exhibitions were set up on the South Seas and Africa, and later on America. The reconstruction of the museum had exhausted the assets of the association. In 1953, the city of Stuttgart agreed...

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The museum since the nationalization

The museum after nationalization At the end of the 1970s, the museum was finally able to use the entire building again. In the summer of 1985, after extensive renovations, the new permanent exhibitions for Ancient Peru, North America, Africa, the Orient and the South Seas were opened. A year later, the permanent exhibition for South and East Asia opened. Experience areas were created in all areas, such as the Japanese Tea House, the Afghan Bazaar, the Tibetan Altar Room, and the Cameroon House, which are still preserved today. At the turn of the millennium, the areas of South and East...

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Museum Directors

  • Augustin Krämer
  • Theodor Koch-Grünberg
  • Heinrich Fischer
  • J. F. Glück (Kommissarischer Leiter)
  • W. Stöckle (Beauftragter des Vorstands für das Museum )
  • Hans Rhotert
  • Friedrich Kußmaul
  • Peter Thiele
  • Thomas Michel
  • Inés de Castro

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