Startseite > Julius Euting
The cabinet exhibition in the entrance area of the Orient Department commemorates the Stuttgart-born orientalist, explorer and painter Julius Euting. The occasion for the exhibition in cooperation with the Julius Euting Society is Euting’s 100th Anniversary of his death (Jan. 2, 2013) and his 175th Birthday (11.7.2014).
The Stuttgart-born scholar, explorer and painter Julius Euting worked as a librarian at the University of Tübingen after studying theology and oriental languages. In 1871 he moved to the new Imperial University and State Library in Strasbourg, where he was appointed director in 1900. He also served as an honorary professor of Semitic languages at the university there. He was particularly interested in epigraphy.
Euting, who spoke numerous languages, traveled through the eastern Mediterranean, North Africa, and the interior of Arabia in 1883/84. On this occasion he covered about 2300 km on horseback and camel. His “Diary of a Journey in Inner Arabia” was published and received great attention. Research trips to distant countries on the one hand, a love of home on the other: Euting was president of the Vosges Club for many years and also opened up numerous hiking trails in the Black Forest. Euting died in Strasbourg on January 2, 1913.
At the center of the exhibition is the “Euting Collection,” which came to the Linden Museum in 1912 as a donation from Euting. Due to the fact that numerous pieces of the collection were destroyed or lost during the war, this important old collection of the Orient Department has not been shown in context for decades. The reappraisal of the collection in recent years, exciting rediscoveries and a valuable new acquisition are the basis of the presentation. The exhibits take the visitor on Euting’s travels – such as a camel saddle with numerous accessories.
The objects collected by Euting are evidence of the everyday culture of the areas traveled. In part, however, they were also part of Euting’s life at home as travel souvenirs. The “Euting Collection” makes visible a multi-faceted life that invites reflection.
Loans from the University Library of Tübingen, the Research Center for Islamic Numismatics Tübingen, the Institute for Classical Archaeology Tübingen, the Heimatmuseum Freudenstadt and the Bibliothèque Nationale et Universitaire de Strasbourg as well as objects from family collections complete the show.
With kind support: Julius Euting Society
Ever since humans discovered and settled the island worlds in the Pacific thousands of years ago, there have been many connections between the widely scattered land areas in the largest sea on earth.
In cooperation with:
Eberhard Karls University Tübingen, China Center Tübingen, HFT Stuttgart
With kind support:
Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Karl Schlecht Stiftung, Tübinger Vereinigung für Volkskunde e.V., Universitätsbund Tübingen e. V., Stiftung Landesbank Baden-Württemberg, Netzwerk transformierender Lehre in Baden-Württemberg, Verein Freunde Hochschule für Technik Stuttgart
Dienstag bis Samstag, 10 – 17 Uhr
Sonn- und Feiertage, 10 – 18 Uhr