Stuttgart – Afghanistan

Zwei Marmorplatten aus Ghazni, Afghanistan, in der Ausstellung des Linden-Museums.

Far away or very close? The exhibition tells of the multi-layered connections between Stuttgart, Germany and Afghanistan. It displays historical objects, pre-Islamic and Islamic art as well as significant everyday objects.

LindenLAB 1

Blick auf die Präsentation von LAB 1 im Dauerausstellungsraum. Links befindet sich eine bodentiefe Vitrine, in der traditionelle Kleidung der Kayan und Kayaw gezeigt wird, im Hintergrund rot lackierte Panele mit Text und kleinere Vitrinen mit Objekten

Indigenous groups have often been repeatedly marginalized by precolonial empires, colonial powers, and postcolonial nation-states. Threatened by poverty and wars, they often sold their cultural goods. How can museums, as keepers of these collections, contribute to the strengthening of such societies today?

LindenLAB 3

verschiedene Körbe und Handtaschen (Kete) aus Pflanzenfasern und bunten Federn

LindenLAB 3: Across Time, Place and People Whakawhānaungatanga – Connecting taonga Māori Since the end of the 19th century, nearly 150 Taonga Māori (Treasures of the Māori) from Aotearoa New Zealand have entered the Linden Museum’s collection. Clothing, jewelry and […]

LindenLAB 8

Präsentation LAB 8: Im Garderobenraum des Museums steht eine rosafarbene Tafel mit der Frage "Welche Rolle spielen wir für die Menschen in Stuttgart?", an der Tafel sind zwei Bildschirme befestigt

LindenLAB 8: What remains? – Insights for the future of the Linden-Museum Laboratories are experimental fields of utopian thinking. In seven LindenLABs on the topics of provenance, participation and presentation, we have tried out a lot over the last four […]

LindenLAB 7

Präsentation von LAB 7. In einer königsblau gestrichenen Vitrine mit abgerundetem Fenster stehen zwei Figuren, bekleidet mit Zeremonialtrachten der Mapuche

LindenLAB 7: El “buen vivir” mapuche What is a “good life”? At the center of LindenLAB 7 is the contemporary silver jewelry made by silversmiths Millaray Garrido and Mario Cayupi, with the accompanying costumes of two ritual assistants (ñangkan) of […]

LindenLAB 6

Blick in den Ausstellungsraum von LAB 6. Es hängen weiße und türkise Banner mit Text von der Decke, vereinzelt stehen Vitrinen mit Objekten aus Kamerun dazwischen

LindenLAB 6: Traces from the depot March 30, 2021 until October 16, 2022 Asearch for a future of history LindenLAB 6 showed – for the first time in the “recent” history of the Linden-Museum – a selection of the 238 […]

Of Love and War

Of Love and War – Tamil (hi)stories from India and the world October 8, 2022 to May 7, 2023 The large temporary exhibition of the state of Baden-Württemberg showed the history and present of Tamil culture. Over 80 million people […]

LindenLAB 4

LindenLAB 4: Entangled: Stuttgart – Afghanistan March 30, 2021 until October 16, 2022 The Linden-Museum houses thousands of objects, photos and documents from Afghanistan. Their exciting, sometimes problematic stories tell us a lot about personal experiences and memories, but also […]

LindenLAB 5

Ausstellungsposter LAB 5 (in) Beziehungen

LindenLAB 5: (in) relationships – challenging / (un)learning / breaking open March 30, 2021 until October 16, 2022 LAB 5 focused on the relationships between people, objects and the museum as an institution. How are these relationships formed and developed? […]

Being in Place

Landkarte von Yangon, Myanmar

Being in Place – Longing for Heritage in Yangon, Myanmar May 6 – October 30, 2022 In times of political change, Helena Cing Deih Sian explored the current significance of the architectural heritage in Yangon/Myanmar. She examined the relationship between […]