Gerda Henkel Fellowship

Dr. Valence Valerian Silayo conducts research at the Chagga Collection for two years as a Gerda Henkel Fellow.
Zurich Declaration 2024

Declaration of the Annual Conference of Directors of Ethnographic and World Cultures Museums and Collections in German-speaking Countries
Amidst Wind and Sky

Aman Mojadidi works with visitors to the Stuttgart – Afghanistan exhibition to design a flag that opposes extremism.
Dialogue with Cameroon

Exchange on possible ways of returning cultural assets and sustainable cooperation with Cameroon.
Veni, Vidi, Vici

The space-filling installation by contemporary artist L. N. Tallur brings together two chapters from India’s colonial past.
If Objects Could Speak

Filmmakers Elena Schilling and Saitabao Kaiyare used augmented reality and a film camera to follow the trail of a colonial-era Kikuyu (Kenya) object from the museum collection.