The Family Bible and Whip by Hendrik Witbooi

Ausstellungsansicht der Bibel und Peitsche von Hendrik Witbooi im Flur des Museums

Die Familienbibel und Peitsche von Hendrik Witbooi 11. Dezember 2018 bis 17. Februar 2019 On February 28, the family Bible and whip of Nama leader Hendrik Witbooi (1834-1905), which came to our museum as a donation in 1902, will be […]

New building Linden Museum

Besucher:innen betrachten die Modelle für einen Museumsneubau, die in ein Umgebungsmodell aus Holz eingesetzt werden können

New building Linden Museum July 24 – September 29, 2019 In the summer semester of 2019, the Institute for Public Buildings and Design at the University of Stuttgart, under the direction of Prof. Alexander Schwarz, will address the question of […]


Ausstellungsposter Azteken

Aztecs October 12, 2019 until August 16, 2020 The exhibition The Great National Exhibition, on the occasion of the 500. commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the landing of the Spanish conquistador Hernán Cortés in the Gulf of Mexico, opens […]

re-explore / re-write I

An eine Vitrine mit mehreren Kraftfiguren aus Afrika ist ein mit Etikettiermaschine geschriebener Satz geklebt: "Bin ich von Bedeutung für dich?"

re-explore / re-write I 16 – 25 July 2021 It is in public collections, archives, and museums that political perspectives are (re)constructed and shaped to provide structures and content for the transmission of history and culture. In the process, a […]

LindenLAB 2

Präsentation von LAB 2. Zwei Transportkisten stehen im Raum, daran lassen sich Türen öffnen und die darin ausgestellten Objekte werden sichtbar.

LindenLAB 2 June 26, 2020 until January 30, 2022 How do you trace the origin of objects? How did they get into the museum? Who gave them to the museum? In what context were they collected? Were they bought, given, […]

re-explore / re-write II

Ausschnitt vom Ausstellungsplakat für die Präsentation "re-explore / re-write II"

Re-Explore / Re-Write II Exhibition of the subject Intermedial Design at the State Academy of Fine Arts Stuttgart February 16 – March 27, 2022 In public collections, archives, and museums, political perspectives are (re)constructed and shaped to provide structures and […]

Schwieriges Erbe

Ausstellungsposter Schwieriges Erbe. Linden-Museum und Württemberg im Kolonialismus

Difficult heritage A workshop exhibition March 16, 2021 until May 8, 2022 What does the Linden Museum have to do with German colonialism? Which Württemberg actors were involved in colonialism? How present was colonialism in the everyday world of Württemberg? […]

Chapter Germany 徳国篇章

Ausstellungsposter Chapter Germany

Chapter Germany 徳国篇章 Cabinet exhibition January 22 – July 17, 2022 In the exhibition, 26 Tübingen students from China talk about arriving in a foreign country, studying at the University of Tübingen, cooking spaghetti in the dormitory kitchen, expectations they […]

Being in Place

Landkarte von Yangon, Myanmar

Being in Place Exhibition by Helena Cing Deih Sian 6 May to 30 October 2022 May 6 – October 30, 2022 In times of political change, Helena Cing Deih Sian explores the contemporary significance of architectural heritage in Yangon, Myanmar. […]

East Asia

an einer transparenten Wand sind japanische

The exhibition presents art and aspects of China’s cultural history and …