LindenLAB 6: Traces from the depot -
A search for future of history

LindenLAB 6 shows – for the first time in the “recent” history of the Linden Museum – a selection from the 238 objects sent by Hermann Karl Bertram to Karl Graf von Linden in 1908.

Bertram was a first lieutenant of a so-called “Schutztruppe” in Cameroon and took part in the “Southern Expedition” between 1905 and 1907. This military action was aimed at subduing political institutions in southeastern Cameroon, gaining control of the region, and supporting the interests of European trading companies then operating in the region.

The three project partners of LindenLAB 6 – Prof. Germain Loumpet, Tah Kennette Konsum and Stone Karim Mohamad – have long been engaged in different ways in the dissemination of knowledge about the stories embedded in Cameroon’s cultural heritage.

On their way together from the museum depot back to southeastern Cameroon, they came into contact with a long-lost historical collection as well as with each other. In the presentation, they provide insights into a lively discussion about policies of cultural memory in Germany and Cameroon.

Reference to exhibition catalog

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Dr. Sandra</br> Ferracuti

Dr. Sandra

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