Startseite > Stories of the Earth, Stories of Ourselves
Storytelling workshop with Malcolm Green
Our understanding of our place on earth is based on the stories that we experience within ourselves and that we tell each other – stories that come from the land and the cultures in which we live.
In this workshop, we strengthen our relationship with nature through storytelling. This includes stories from science, myths and our own stories. We look at these different types of stories and go in search of stories that already live within us and connect us to our places.
Using mindfulness methods and playful activities, we discover and experience how traditional knowledge offers an intuitive, non-rational perspective on the world and can strengthen our relationship with nature. We use this form to create our own imaginative stories.
Malcolm Green is both a naturalist and a storyteller and has been telling stories professionally since 1982.
Registration: Tel. 0711.2022-444,
In cooperation with Ars Narrandi e. V., with the kind support of the City of Stuttgart
€ 60/40
Dienstag bis Samstag, 10 – 17 Uhr
Sonn- und Feiertage, 10 – 18 Uhr