Startseite > re-explore / re-write II
In public collections, archives and museums, political perspectives are (re)constructed and shaped in order to provide structures and content for the communication of history. In the process, a Eurocentric canon of knowledge was created over generations, which was critically and artistically questioned by students of the ABK Stuttgart in an exhibition. During the summer and winter semesters of 2021/22, students engaged in artistic research processes with selected (virtual) collections and the spaces of the Linden Museum in connection with the LindenLAB. In this exhibition, they presented their artistic works as new approaches and perspectives for communicating history and the present in a museum context.
RE-EXPLORE / RE-WRITE II was a seminar and an exhibition of the Intermedia Design Department, Stuttgart State Academy of Art and Design, under the direction of Professor Antonia Low and the artist Luise Schröder, in close collaboration with Henrike Hoffmann, project coordinator of the LindenLAB at the Linden-Museum.
Participating artists:
Eunyoung Bae, Marie David, Vesna Hetzel, Janosch Müller, Sophie Rebentisch, Julia Schmutz, Veronika Schneider, Julia Helene Scholl
A cooperation of:
Stuttgart State Academy of Art and Design, LindenLAB
With the kind support of Stiftung Landesbank Baden-Württemberg and Kulturstiftung des Bundes
Dienstag bis Samstag, 10 – 17 Uhr
Sonn- und Feiertage, 10 – 18 Uhr