Startseite > Narratives Embodied
Performances by Hanna Araujo Ulmer and Jasmin Schädler
The performance evening examines the inscription of narratives in bodies. In a re-appropriation, stories of Western dominant culture are overwritten. Whether through music as a representation of Brazilian pop culture or through the canon of European myths – the female body propagates new perspectives.
Putaria – The Body as Catharsis
A project by Hanna Araujo Ulmer
Putaria – The Body as Catharsis takes its starting point in Brazilian funk to reinterpret Brazil’s colonial history and its aftermath. The work addresses the mentality of the “savages” – a widespread fantasy that has its roots in the first expeditions to the “New World”. With its political dimension, this style of music creates a direct link to the body. Dance becomes an act of resignation. After imparting knowledge, the performance reaches its completeness by dancing together to the music – with haunted funk by DJ Theory.
Modes of Truth
A project by Jasmin Schädler
The truth and nothing but the truth is the long-established foundation of Western culture. Although originally a form of oral contract, it has slowly evolved into an objective fact. Truth is a technology that has been perpetuating itself ever since, continuing to inscribe and overwrite others. The performance Modes of Truth unravels a narrative of truth along attributions and absurdities and spins them anew. A body and a lie detector become the medium of the polyphonic truth.
Reservation: Tel. 0711.2022-444,
A cooperation with InterAKT as part of the Stuttgart Science Festival Supported by the Freie Tanz- und Theaterszene Stuttgart. With the kind support of the Kunststiftung Baden-Württemberg
Solidarity-based pricing model
Dienstag bis Samstag, 10 – 17 Uhr
Sonn- und Feiertage, 10 – 18 Uhr