4 Tänzer:innen eng aneinander mit dem Rücken zum Publikum liegend, auf einem schwarzen Boden vor einer weißen Sichtbetonwand


Tuesday, 29 October + Wednesday, 30 October, 7:30 pm


Dance performance by Cie. Zeit/Geist


The feeling of alienation creeps up on everyone in one way or another at some point in their lives. The lost connection to our body, to nature, to real togetherness, becomes a nagging, aching void. So does alienation lead straight to dystopia? Into a quasi disembodied society that is purely subject to the dictates of expediency and functioning?


“Powerful images: The dancers’ bodies are shaped like sculptures, telling of the longing to re-establish the lost common ground with each other and with nature in ever new formations.” (Deutsche Bühne)


“Excellent dance premiere: in ‘alieNation’, Eva Baumann explores togetherness in a collapsed world (…). Even more fascinating than the explosive subject matter about the destruction of nature as the basis of life, including interpersonal relationships, is the completely unconventional body language.” (Stuttgarter Zeitung)


Artistic direction & choreography: Eva Baumann
Dance: Aurora Bonetti, Bar Gonen, Susanna Ylikoski, Yen Lee
Music: Michael Berentsen
Choreographic assistance: Sophie Gisbertz
Costume/set design: Laura Yoro


Reservation: Tel. 0711.2022-444, anmeldung@lindenmuseum.de


The adaptation of the production as part of the FreiRaum project is funded by Freie Tanz- und Theaterszene Stuttgart gUG as part of a resumption grant. With the kind support of the Produktionszentrum Tanz + Performance Stuttgart and the Kulturamt Stuttgart


Solidarity pricing model
€ 20/15/10/5

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