Startseite > Call Me Human
Documentary film by Kim O’Bomsawin + reading and talk with Joséphine Bacon
The documentary “Call Me Human” follows the multi-award-winning Canadian writer Joséphine Bacon (born 1947), who belongs to the First Nation of the Innu. Joséphine Bacon is one of the few poets who writes in Innu-Aimun.
Having grown up semi-nomadically, she was sent to a state reservation boarding school as a five-year-old to be forcibly assimilated. Today, the poet, translator and director fights for the preservation of the Innu language and culture in order to strengthen the connection to the cultural origins of her ancestors for the younger generation.
The traditional habitat of the Innu is the east of the Labrador Peninsula. Today, around 18,000 Innu live in reserves in Québec and Labrador. In the past, the Innu were mainly semi-nomadic hunters and gatherers who hunted caribou, moose and small game.
Following the film, Joséphine Bacon will join the online discussion and read poems.
Canada, 2020, 77 min., original version with English subtitles
Reservation: Tel. 0711.2022-444,
In cooperation with Ars Narrandi e. V., with the kind support of the City of Stuttgart
€ 7/5
Dienstag bis Samstag, 10 – 17 Uhr
Sonn- und Feiertage, 10 – 18 Uhr